Nutrition Facts Label: For the Packaging and Printing Industry

A Nutrition Facts Label is a required component of most food packaging and printing, whether for consumer products or medical device packaging. The label must include all pertinent nutritional information about the product, including calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and sodium. This data is used to help consumers make informed choices about their diets.

Manufacturers typically use two types of labels: front-of-pack and nutrition facts labels. A front-of-pack label is generally placed on the exterior of the package, near where it will be seen by consumers. Nutrition facts labels are typically found on the interior surface of packages or on tear-off strips that can be detached and attached to outside surfaces such as a cup sleeve or shopping cart handle.

Manufacturing requirements for Nutrition Facts Labels vary depending on the product type, but all labels must meet specific regulatory guidelines in order to be printed or stamped onto food products. Requirements for text size, font style, and color; placement within margins and lines; space between ingredients; and nutrient declaration, among others, are all specific to each type of product and must be followed carefully in order to avoid any potential legal issues.

In addition to meeting regulatory guidelines, nutrition facts labels also need to be legible from a distance, which can be as far away as 10 feet, and should not obstruct ingress into food products during manufacturing or shipping. All labelling materials must also be durable enough to withstand normal handling and storage conditions.

What Are Nutritional Labels?

Nutritional labels contain product-specific information designed to allow the consumer to make better-informed choices about their diet. The nutritional label allows them to learn the nutritional value of the product quickly and efficiently and to help avoid products that might aggravate an existing condition, such as high cholesterol or food allergies.

What Is Included On A Nutritional Label?

According to the FDA, the nutritional label must include a serving size, calories (and calories from fat), nutrients (such as vitamins, cholesterol, and sodium), and a percentage of the daily value. The percentage of daily value is based on a 2,000-calorie diet per day and can assist consumers when comparing products.

 How Do I Properly Package And Label My Product?

When it comes to labelling and packaging your product, it is important to make sure that the information on the label is clear and accurate. Nutrition facts labels are a great way to provide consumers with important nutritional information about the products they are buying. Here are some tips on how to properly package and label your product:

  1.   Choose a clear, easy-to-read font for your nutrition facts label.
  2. Use descriptive language when describing the ingredients in your product.
  3.   Make sure that all of the required information is included on the nutrition facts label. This includes the ingredient list, net carb content, calories, and more.
  4.  Place your nutrition facts label on the front or back of the package, where it will be easily seen   by consumers.
  5.  Follow all applicable FDA guidelines when preparing and printing your nutrition facts label.

Flexible Packaging and Roll-Stock for Food Products

A recent trend in the food industry has been to move away from rigid packaging and towards more flexible options, such as roll-stock and printed boxes. This is due to a number of factors, including the demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging as well as the need for products to be more consumable and easier to store.

One benefit of flexible packaging is that it can be tailored to various product types. For example, printing boxes can be used for food products such as cereal, snacks, and breakfast cereals, while roll-stock is particularly suited for soft drinks, ice cream, and other food items that require a lot of storage space. In addition, these packages are often much easier to open than traditional ones.

Overall, flexible packaging is becoming increasingly popular because it offers many advantages over traditional options. It’s environmentally friendly and sustainable, easy to store, and able to accommodate a variety of product types.

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